Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Frogs Perspective On Life. . . .

If a frog sees a brick in front it views it as a wall while you and I know it to be just a brick. We from our view know better then to stop and lose heart but if the perspective is interchanged it might seem like the end of the world or at least a huge almost insurmountable obstacle..

Pilots view of life

As a pilot I know that it is an amazing thing to get into the plane at one place and disembark at another . . . . . all the while getting a free view of the world around (Under Actually)!!!!!

The biggest observation I had was early in my aviation days, while looking down at the beautiful patchwork layout of fields stretching as far as my eyes could see:
"The patch work layout fields concealed a multitudes of problems, ego's, disagreements etc each truely insignificant in the larger picture. The perspective to life needs to be viewed from that level.... I am still trying but havent suceeded yet ;-)"   The operative phrase is that I am still trying and havent given up !!